Carnaroli Rice
Super-thin, this type of rice is the richest in amylose.
Its grains are hard and white, big and long. They
present an extraordinary balance between absorption and
lost of amide during the cooking process, making it the
best quality for risotto.
Also used for salads, this rice always fulfils
expectations, including those of the least experienced.
Our semi-prepared products allow to easily and quickly
preparing risottos within 16/18 minutes. « Pronti » are
made with Carnaroli rice of our own production and
carefully selected vegetables, subsequently lyophilised
or dehydrated. They do not contain stock cube or
This flour is obtained from Carnaroli rice grinded in
stone-mills. A unique ingredient to give a special touch
to pasta, « polenta » (corn-mush) or pastry recipes.
Delizie »
We offer a wide range of ready-to-make rice flour and
sugar puddings, cocoa, vanilla or coffee flavoured.
Corn Flour for “Polenta” (Corn-mush)
Corn is slowly grinded in a stone-mill, in order to
prevent the flour from heating during the process and to
obtain a product maintaining all its proteins. The final
outcome is an irregular grained flour, as the
traditional ones used to be, especially adapted for a
“polenta” (corn-mush) of intense taste and fragrance.
The range
of items available in our selling point also includes
products from other carefully selected farms.